Cats and dogs videos

4 videos • 86 views • by by Stephs CatMix Here are some video clips of the family cats & dogs who I all dearly love❣ You just never know what them silly cats & dogs are up to. Kloe for instance (gray cat) loves sticking her head in my shoes, Stewie (siamese cat) just loves being picked up & petted on, Missy (big black cat) just loves to eat & sleep, Teddy (slim black cat) well, he is still on the shy side so to speak so it's kinda hard to capture him on camera, Sandy (big black & white dog) is pretty old but still acts like a big baby puppy & just loves the attention, Richie (long haired dog) loves being up some one's butt at all times & last but most certainly not least Guinny (young black cat) is just the sweetest thing ever❣Hope you guys enjoy watching my funny, sweet, & cute cat & dog videos just as much as I do. SUBSCRIBE LIKE SHARE COMMENT THANK YOU GUYS FOR WATCHING! #shorts #cats cat cats dog dogs dog videos pets animals #funnycats funny cat videos funny cat funny cats #cutecats cute cat videos cute cat cute cats silly cat silly cats silly cat videos lazy cat lazy cats hungry cats hungry cat sleepy cat videos sleepy cat sleepy cats #blackcats black cat black cats black cat videos #graycats gray cat gray cats pretty gray cat cute black cats siamese cat siamese cats sweet siamese cat funny pets