DriveHQ Cloud FTP/SFTP/FTPS Server Hosting Service. Setup your own cloud FTP server instantly: Easy, secure, low cost!

7 videos • 109 views • by DriveHQ_CameraFTP DriveHQ is one of the largest FTP/FTPS/SFTP Server hosting service providers. DriveHQ's FTP service is better than other FTP services in that: (a) It is compatible with all popular FTP/SFTP/FTPS client software, and it supports all regular FTP server features. (b) It is seamlessly integrated with DriveHQ's very broad cloud IT service. You can create and manage sub-users and subgroups; you can share different folders with different sub-users and set various permission levels. Each user can be limited to a specific shared folder(s). (c) You can use DriveHQ's client software such as DriveHQ FileManager for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android; you can also use WebDAV Drive Mapping to access your cloud files. The cloud FTP server uses the same cloud storage as other DriveHQ software/service. (d) DriveHQ cloud FTP server is a SaaS service. You just need to sign up and you can immediately use the service. It is far easier than in-house FTP solution, or IaaS based service like AWS. With AWS, users still need to manage, back up and secure their FTP/SFTP server; they even need to manage the VM and the OS; they need to pay for the VM, cloud storage, bandwidth and other resources/usage. For more information about DriveHQ FTP/SFTP/FTPS service, please visit: