Delta Waves - Binaural Beats

8 videos • 620 views • by Binaural Sensation 0.5 Hz - Relaxation, helps soothe headaches 0.5 - 1.5 Hz - Pain relief. Endorphin release 0.9 Hz - Euphoric feeling 1 Hz - Well being. Harmony and balance 2.5 Hz - Production of endogenous opiates (pain killers, reduce anxiety) 2.5 Hz - Relieves migraine pain. Produces endogenous opiates 3.4 Hz - Helps achieve restful sleep 3.5 Hz - Feeling of unity with everything. Whole being regeneration 3.9 Hz - Self renewal, enhanced inner awareness 4.0 Hz - Enkephalin release for reduced stress 4.0 Hz - Allows brain to produce enkaphalins, all natural pain killer 4.0 Hz - Full memory scanning. Releases enkephalins 4.0 Hz - Vital for memory and learning. Problem solving, object naming 1 - 3 Hz - Profound relaxation, restorative sleep. Tranquillity and peace