Basic surgical skill course by Dr. Chintamani

17 videos • 3,859 views • by by Rohil Jain Just like a thousand mile journey begins with a single step, the process of becoming a competent doctor begins with mastering the basics. This workshop provides the appropriate platform to ace basic surgical skills under the aegis of one of the most revered names in surgery Dr. Chintamani ; covering all bases : Knot tying Making an incision Practising types of sutures – simple, continuous, mattress Opening up of abdomen Closing up of abdomen Bowel handling, closing up vowel perforations Details on intestinal anastomoses The session promises an experience beyond that of just being a hands-on skills workshop; but an interactive engagement with one-to-one undivided guidance from Dr. Chintamani. This course is an annual course open to all undergraduates , location : Vardhman Mahavir Medical College, New Delhi