Race to 37

27 videos • 7,846 views • by BremSter Puzzles The videos of solves of the puzzles in the "Race to 37" puzzle series by clover! The Race to 37 was a Sudoku event run by clover on Logic Masters Germany between February 2021 and February 2022. I would like to thank clover for allowing me to bring the puzzles and these videos to my viewers. I have posted a copy of the pack, modified to be for casual solving rather than part of the event, for free from the following location. https://www.patreon.com/posts/69062487/ Alternate Download Link: https://tinyurl.com/3kyuz9mn Most of the video solves will not be posted to my main channel. In order to view them you can find them in the following playlist. https://bremster.tiny.us/raceto37-pla... I will also be including direct links to videos in the above public Patreon post when I release them. Puzzle Rules for all Race to 37 Puzzles: - Normal Sudoku rules apply. Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain each digit from 1 to 9 exactly once. - Each grid contains a number of cages, each outlined with a dotted line. - The digits in the cages may not repeat. - The digits with each cage must sum to the value down in the puzzle title, which is the same value shown in the top left corner of each cage.