The Unchained Musician

7 videos • 12,037 views • by AuthenticSound Have you ever thought something is wrong when a professional conservatory pianist studies 6 months on a Mozart sonata whereas in Mozart's time people were supposed to ... sight read his music? Have you never had the feeling while sitting in the comfortable chairs of our big concert halls, listening to Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, Mendelssohn,... why musicians seemed to be pushed to their technical limits (and beyond) and if all of that could have been wanted in the time of horse power driven speeds? If you have, stick around here, since this playlist may very well have the power of unchaining those composers from our present, still so much post-industrial mechanical focus and reconnect them (and you!) to what originally might have been intended. You'll learn about the correct historical use of the metronome, which in those days still was used the way physics use it today: a full swing, going from left to right and back is one cycle. So half note 88 for example is not one, two, three, four, but one and two and three and four. it will quite literally change your perspective of music of the past and ... of your life as a musician!