2 videos • 5 views • by Insitu Recordings Seni Sana Sini (lit. Art There Here) was established in 2012 by I Made Arsa Wijaya (Wawan) and Ida Bagus Putu Pradnyana Putra (Gustu) and named for their habit of traveling great distances to get their gamelan kicks before owning an ensemble themselves. The group’s debut album, Sensasi, is a collection of new works for their uniquely-tuned bamboo jegog ensemble composed by members of the group: Ida Bagus Putu Pradnyana Putra (Gustu), I Putu Juni Suta Widnyana (Junik), Putu Nova Handiyana (Nova), Komang Wahyu Yastawan Putra (Wahyu), I Made Arsa Wijaya (Wawan). Pieces range from new takes on longstanding forms performed by a full ensemble to radical explorations for smaller collections of jegog instruments, including Wawan’s experiments using multiple metronomes to establish phasing tempos for players to follow. The title of the album is a play on the group’s name (Sen = Seni; Sa = Sana; Si = Sini).