Ashta Lakshmi Stotram - Short Videos

8 videos • 73 views • by Super Brains Wisdom The Ashtalakshmi Stotram is a devotional hymn that praises the eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi. The stotram is believed to have many benefits, including: Wealth: The stotram is said to help devotees achieve wealth, fortune, and other financial success. Happiness: The stotram is said to help devotees achieve happiness and prosperity. Spiritual sense: The stotram is said to help devotees improve their spiritual connection with Goddess Lakshmi. Wishes: The stotram is said to help devotees accomplish their wishes. Courage: The stotram is said to help devotees achieve courage and strength. Education: The stotram is said to help devotees achieve education. Children: The stotram is said to help devotees achieve children who are healthy and long-lived. The Ashtalakshmi Stotram is said to be especially beneficial when chanted on Fridays or in the mornings and evenings.