365 Days of Handstands

95 videos • 2,609 views • by REWILD BODY Ever wanted to learn a Handstand but we're not sure how to start? Well, the road to holding a handstand is a long one but the goal is attainable. I can show you how to get there. The ticket price? FREE. Start when you like the course is yours forever. If you want my help along the way all you have to do is Like, Follow or Subscribe to Rewild Body on YouTube and Instagram. My help will be FREE. You can start any time and the videos are in sequence from NOVICE to HANDSTAND. You just have to SHOW UP! The sessions start with SUPER EASY every day practices that anyone can do. These help establish a rhythm and a habit to your practice. Trust me, if you’re not hooked after the first 20-30 days you won’t continue but if you DO! A handstand could be yours. There are easy days, harder days and recovery days. The program slowly builds in intensity and difficulty. You will learn from me and my 5 year old son; who is also learning a Handstand. You will have fun. You can ask questions and I'll help. JUST SUBSCRIBE. Enjoy '365 Days To Handstand'. A little bit of time, everyday, dedicated to the practices and in the fullness of time, the Handstand will come to you!