Exploring the deserted colonial lands of New England & detecting for relics in the Abyss

13 videos • 643 views • by Not Thursday Over the course of a couple weeks we spent hours and days exploring this massive piece of land out in the forest that was once occupied by early New England settlers. We discovered old stone bridges, wagon rails, cart paths, cellar holes and miles upon miles of rock walls. We dug up and found old coins, buttons, tools and other artifacts including a wagon wheel. A fair amount of items spread out from the mid 1700s into the late 1800s at several sites. The mystery tuned our focus in another direction when researching a top map that there was a loggers work camp down here about 100 years ago. And we can not forget the black bear that showed up on us one day ! We now call this place the Abyss because of its large size and the fact to get there from any direction it is all down hill and over a mile . Literally in the center of it all way out there.