Over-exercising, deload

2 videos • 1 views • by James Tang Fitness Because exercise is so beneficial for our overall health, we typically focus on doing enough of it in our daily lives. Less often do we care about or even consider the other side of the coin: when motivating to work out isn’t a problem, but knowing when to lighten up and rest is.  In this video, we are going to talk about Overtraining syndrome (OTS), which can lower your fitness level, negatively affect your performance, and cause injuries. Weightlifting, cardio, and HIIT workouts can all lead to burnout. It’s also typical in single-sport athletes. Overtraining can occur when you work out without allowing enough recovery time between sessions. After a certain point, too much exercise can be harmful to your health and hinder your results, especially if your workouts are close together. I know that you may love the endorphin rush of a good workout so much that you don’t want to go a day without it. Perhaps exercise helps you feel present in your body. Whatever the reason, too much of a good thing is possible, and watch till the end of this video, and let me help you to recognize whether or not your exercise habits might be pushing your mind and body too hard. Let’s discuss how you can figure out if you’re overtraining, and what to do about it if you are.