We Would See Jesus: 2014 Fall Conference at Reformation Bible College
7 videos • 1,222 views • by Reformation Bible College More than one pulpit has had the phrase, "Sir, we would see Jesus" posted where the preacher can see it as he proclaims the Word of God. It is a good reminder. One thing we learn from church history is that preachers must always fight the temptation to preach their opinions, current events, popular culture—anything but Christ and Him crucified. Today we are facing a dire need for the church to recapture the centrality of Christ in its preaching and life. From many pulpits people hear messages that do not emphasize the gospel, or they hear no gospel preached. This weakens the church's witness, does not provide spiritual food to those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and it turns us into a people who wander about like sheep without a shepherd.