שיעורי הרב אריאל בראלי

190 videos • 661 views • by ישיבת אפיקי דעת שדרות Rabbi Ariel Bar-Eli (born in 1970) is the rabbi of the Beth El Yishuv and head of the "Mishpat LaAm" Institute. As a young man, he lived with his family in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and later in Psagot. He studied at the Jerusalem Yeshiva for young people , and then it the 'Merkaz HaRav'. He married Esther Gantz, daughter of Rabbi Moshe Gantz, head of the Shalavim Yeshiva. He graduated with a law degree in Rabbi Moshe Chaim Dimentman's Kollel in Rehovot and in 1999 joined in to Sderot. For years he served as Rabby of the Sderot Yeshiva. He also founded and headed the Monetary Court on behalf of the yeshiva. He is active in the theme of preserving family values ??and traditional family structure. At various stages, he has published many articles on these and other topics on the agenda. In 2015, Rabbi Dov Lior recommended him as his replacement in the post of multi-municipality Kiryat Arba. In 2016, his daughter, Hillel, was elected to light a beacon on Independence Day. In 2019, he was appointed rabbi of the Bethel community, replacing Rabbi Shlomo Aviner and Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed who were of retirement age.