important videos

312 videos • 584,010 views • by Official Important Videos Archive See channel description for a description of the playlist. Continue down for historical details. #8 was originally uploaded by "Kodiak" @MegaMudokon #9 WOUB "Liliya Moroz" @liliyamoroz3379 #15 still exists at but can't be commented on nor added to a playlist because it is "content made for kids" 😐 #17 was originally titled "You schleep bro...yeeeaaaah..he schleep" and WOUB "Paypa Plane Society" @paypaplanesociety2221 #18 WOUB "czarnaowca81" @czarnaowca81 #19 WOUB "Tomas J" which no longer exists #28 WOT "Не гладь меня! / Don't touch me" and WOUB "Fails&Funnies" WNLE #37 WOUB "Koreaboo" @koreaboo, and must be watched on the Internet Archive for copyright reasons #41 WOUB "Verticalmule" @Verticalmule #43 WOUB "Imabigplayer" @fourfoxten #44 WOT “Oh God Dammit” #48 WOUB "25+ Animals" WNLE #51 WOUB "Codi Vega" @CodiVega #53 WOUB "Euphemism for Magic" @EuphemismforMagic #55 WOT “Babies Seeing Chickens For First Time” and WOUB “25+ Animals” WNLE #57 WOUB “worldofcomedy1” WNLE, and must be watched on the Internet Archive for copyright reasons #63 WOUB “Ivan Pliouchtchai” @Cruchaga #68 WOUB “25+ Animals” WNLE #72 WOUB “shoot” WNLE The version of #75 on the original playlist was titled “Что самое главное в женщине? Most important thing in woman (English subtitles)” and WOUB “MrMoviesfromrussia” WNLE, but this was a re-upload, with the version currently on the playlist being the original video. Remember to turn on subtitles for this video #76 WOUB “Cash4Memes” WNLE #77 WOT “Great Job Pooping!” and WOUB “Kyoot Kids” @Kyoot #78 WOT “THE BING BONG THEORY” #86 WOT “drug Commercial-Marijuana Kills” and WOUB “Danny Diaz” WNLE #89 WOT “Thorpe Park Tsunami” and WOUB “jrjbloom” @jrjbloom #101 WOT “Kristine Acielo - Mayoral: Candidate Soapbox - CTV Edmonton” and WOUB “CTV News Edmonton” @CTVnewsEdmonton #103 WOT “Wait… What???” and WOUB “bianalhamsandwich” WNLE #105 WOUB “FedeTV” @BarrioSone #109 WOT “Pallet jack fail. Faceplant” and WOUB “Abu Kad” @abukad #112 WOUB “AbubakrK76” WNLE #113 WOT “Insane card trick” and WOUB “TheOwen1337” @TheOwen1337 #114 WOUB “TheyCallMeTmick” WNLE #119 WOUB “Geeky Carrot” @JoachimJoanna #127 WOT “Redneck Drama: Do you know how this fire started?” and WOUB “Jake R” @uc8406 #130 WOT “David” and WOUB “ateeling” @ateeling #131 is actually titled “You Better Not Miss” and still exists at but is "content made for kids" 😐 #132 WOT “When Your Friends Shooting For His First Eagle...” and WOUB “Lucky Green” @rorykennedy. #137 WOT “Who Told Young Thug to do This” and WOUB “Xx__Eric_xX” @XxEricxXRoasts #138 WOT “Oh Shit” #139 WOUB "Beef aroni" @beefaroni2108 #144 WOT “The Worst Crossing Guard Ever” and WOUB “wshDAY23” WNLE #154 WOUB “MajorEpicFailTime” WNLE #155 WOT “You Better Not Miss” and WOUB “JohnnySack187” @JohnnySack187 #157 WOUB “Cat Re-Tailer” @catre-tailer9299 #164 WOUB “Oxcilic” @Oxcilic #175 WOT “What are you doing running in the snow? The Most Ironic Wipeout You'll See Today” and WOUB “Gaminator96” WNLE #176 WOUB “Noise Fiend” WNLE #177 WOUB “falo” @Pananoz #178 WOT “Wife Scare” and WOUB “Benjamin Bradley” @BenDominatesMLM #179 still exists at is "content made for kids" 😐 The version of #191 on the original playlist was titled “Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this.” and WOUB “beenimen” @beenimen, but this was a re-upload, with the version currently on the playlist being the original video #197 WOT “Vine 1395: Moving on up in Birmingham by K_Swang” and WOUB “Best Vines” WNLE #209 still exists at but is "content made for kids" 😐 #210 WOUB "CaptainofGarbage" @CaptainofGarbage #218 WOT “Canola Oil + Kitchen Floor = fail” and WOUB “ThePhantomracer” @ThePhantomracer #220 WOUB “Pablo Rochat” @PabloRochat #224 WOUB “Griffinilla” @Griffinilla #232 WOUB an unknown user (INFORMATION IS APPRECIATED) #241 WOT “KXVO “Pumpkin Dance”” and still exists at but no longer has audio for copyright reasons #251 WOUB “tube960” @tube960, and must be watched on the Internet Archive for TOS reasons #265 WOT “YTP: Spencer Launches a Bagel into Griffin's Rectum” and WOUB “HotelWeegee” @HotelWeegee #266 still exists at but is "content made for kids" 😐 #280 WOT “My Cover of the Universal Song [Original]” and is a re-upload by the original uploader The version of #283 on the original playlist was titled “boulevard of broken dreams” and WOUB “randomvids300” @randomvids300, but this was a re-upload, with the version currently on the playlist being the original video The version of #299 on the original playlist was titled “DMX Reading Rainbow Theme Song!” and WOUB “Kellon12music” @Kellon12music, but this was a re-upload, with the version currently on the playlist being, though not the original video, a re-upload by the original uploader #310 WOUB "CaptainNarg" @CardsNarg #312 still exists at but is "content made for kids" 😐