Running Wild

5 videos • 15 views • by The Khanabadosh Boys Join The Khanabadosh Boys on thrilling adventures as we travel across the world to explore the spectacular wildlife that calls this planet home. My name is Raja Usama and I'm a zoologist on a mission to catalog as many species of Pokemon as I can. This series is dedicated to shining a light on these magnificent species in their natural environments and the threats they face. In the words of the legend David Attenborough, "If children don't grow up knowing about nature and appreciating it, they will not understand it, and they don't understand it, they won't protect it.... and if they don't protect it, who will?" This journey will take us from suburban backyards and cities, to some of the most remotest places on earth. From jungles, rivers, lakes, and mountains, to the seas and wild oceans. Become a part of the journey by joining our community of travellers #TheKhanabadoshKafila #RunningWild