Reimagining Resilience : Growth After Adversity 1st Run | E-Huddle Webinar Series

3 videos • 31 views • by Eastern Communications Eastern Communications is dedicated to empowering businesses especially the hard-hit SME sector. Through “Reimagining Resilience: Growth After Adversity" under Eastern's E-Huddle Series., small to medium businesses can discover best practices and learnings to emerge successfully in the next normal. The first run of the Reimagining Resilience series is also graced by thought leaders from various industries. Jeron Travel and Tours CEO Chal Lontoc-del Rosario will share the future of travel post-pandemic (April 21), while Topline Group of Companies Vice President for Operations Brigitte Lim-Mueller, will guide businesses in strengthening employee personal resilience (May 19), and Dindo Marzan, President & CEO of True Digital Philippines, will shed light on the future of trust in business (June 23).