5 videos • 27 views • by Vernacular Medium® Vernacular Medium™ is a multi-dimensional unique Ed-Tech Platform created for the Students studying in different Regional Languages (Mother Tongues) across India. This will provide one stop learning solutions both (Technical & Non-Technical segments) to the Student Communities, Teaching Faculties and Educational Organizations etc. starting from Class 1 upto Graduation Level. Our basic intention is to impart Education in Regional Languages. Some of our basic features which have been introduced in our Platform are: Features: 1. VM - EMS 2. Online Tests 3. Study Materials 4. Video Lectures 5. Blogs Description: a. Our VM - EMS is a B2B SaaS (Software as a Service) where we are targeting the Small Scale Pvt. Organisations/Coaching Institutes/Pvt. Schools/Pvt. Entities/Training Centres for those who lag Technical or Software Infrastructure to conduct online tests for their organisations and students studying with them. b. Online Tests - With our online tests, you'll never have to worry about getting behind or missing another opportunity to prepare. Through our robust Online Tests pattern we provide a thorough subject revision to our Student Base. c. Study Materials - Digital Materials help create a better learning environment by providing information to not just one person but to many. Easy to access Materials can be a act as a performance booster for many Students dwelling in rural places of India. d. Video Lectures - Our online-learning tools with easy-to-follow videos and graphics will make you better understand the subjects thoroughly. Through our Free YouTube channel we are giving access to various Video Lectures to our Student Communities. e. Blogs - Our Informative Blogs in different categories are meant for imparting extra knowledge to our Readers. These are under several categories which focus upon some of the contemporay issues of our Country. Many more Features are lined up. Please Stay Tuned. Contact Details: Visit: https://vernacularmedium.com Mail: contact@vernacularmedium.com WhatsApp: +91-8763026591 Follow Us: Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/eduportal.vm Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/vm_eduportal Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vm_eduportal Linkedin Page - https://www.linkedin.com/company/edup... #edtech #education #elearning #onlinelearning #vernacularmedium #regionallanguages #onlinetests #studymaterials #videolectures #blogs