Wonder Woman by MicDrop
11 videos • 804 views • by MicDrop Wonder Woman by MicDrop An evening of storytelling, from the eyes and hearts of the wonder women around us. Who are these women and what is their story? Women everywhere are learning to balance the demands of modern life and living. Let's be honest: women are still shouldering much of the work associated with the home, and many are building businesses and growing their careers, to boot. How do they do it all? And where do they get their super-human strength? One this rare evening we got to catch them in cape and we got to hear their stories. Be Sure To Be Subscribed To: https://www.youtube.com/c/micdropwith... Follow us: Instagram - https://instagram.com/micdrop_us Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MicDropwithR... Twitter - https://twitter.com/micdrop_us