Curve Playlist

13 videos • 399 views • by The Chameleon This is a great modern rock band from the early 90s. At the time, I didn't fully understand their lyrics but I found their sound very unique. For me, they didn't really compare to much else at the time. Later, Garbage had a similar sound but not quite as good (for me). Over the years, I've gone through phases where I'd listen to "Public Fruit" for a while then set it aside or lose it. I kept coming back to it. In 2019, I was writing The Chameleon (my book) and I was looking for some inspiration for a chapter that was set in the 90s, so I ended up buying the album "Public Fruit" for the third time in my life. This time I paid more attention to the lyrics and I fell in love all over again. This is just one of those bands that need more exposure when they were at their peak. For me, their sound and lyrics are still as relevant today as they were 30 years ago.