Rediscovering Vintage

1 videos • 17 views • by Cody Jung This is a new video series I am working on in which I attempt to highlight fun and great sounding (mostly) vintage gear that has been overlooked by collectors and the "vintage market." With prices of certain vintage gear skyrocketing, I want to find and showcase vintage alternatives to the increasing amount of "unobtainium" that is currently on the market. Whether the piece of gear is a one-trick pony or a diverse studio/live tool, I believe a lot of the gear that we walk past in the use section of guitar stores still has quite a bit of merit! Some of the most interesting sounds I have found as of late have been technology "dead ends" and odd twists that did not go further than the 40's, 50's, or 60's. These can be great opportunities for our community to find new sounds in modern music using old technology that has been left behind in favor of the "pillars of vintage gear."