Kula Christmas Wrap Up (2021)

3 videos • 3,163 views • by Kula Shaker Hang up your stockings! Ring out, wild bells! As we wind down the year and ready ourselves to release the new KS album in 2022, we would like to offer a small festive gift, a wee something for the Christmas stocking which we hope will warm the ear drums and provide a little respite from the ongoing mania of the 21st Century. Yuletide faves ‘Christmas Time (is here again)’ and ‘Snowflake’ have been remixed & remastered for your pleasure and will be available to stream and download at one minute past midnight - GONG! So much has happened since the King last roused himself and rode out to do battle with the forces of ultimate darkness and this world of ours seems almost unrecognizable. If 2021 was anything to go by, 2022 promises quite a ride. Buckle up for a time of massive change, global upheaval and soul renewal, what to speak of a brand new Kula Shaker album, spear-shaking gigs and a great hosannah to boot. Until then, we wish you a very merry Christmas in the words of Tiny Tim, “God bless us, every one.” Govinda jaya jaya! Crispian, Alonza, Harry, Pauli, x