David Bowie - 90s Rykodisc CD Bonus Tracks

58 videos • 6,897 views • by Josh's Music Library By the end of the 1980s, the rights to Bowie's pre-1983 catalogue reverted to Bowie and his former management company. Rykodisc had approached Bowie in 1988 to re-release albums on CD and Bowie agreed, and thus the Rykodisc remasters were released onto the world throughout 1990 to 1992. These included new remasters for every album from his first self-titled to Scary Monsters and also included two compilation albums. However, the Rykodisc remasters are most well known for the inclusion of bonus tracks that Bowie choose himself. Some of these bonus tracks are just your regular run-of-the-mill B-side or a non-album single - but the real neat and gritty lay in the unreleased tracks that haven't been released since! I sought after some of these deep cuts and decided to upload them myself as uploads of these tracks as well as compile them with other bonus tracks that have been already remastered! I've also included a couple of tracks that are from the original 1989 "Sound + Vision" boxset (bonus CD included) to make this playlist full-fledged with bonus tracks! 《Playlist is ordered in album-release chronologically with "Sound + Vision" tracks placed after the original bonus tracks featured in their own separate remasters》