Ambient Music
5 videos • 0 views • by Music For Relaxing When we tune into ambient noise and stop labeling everything as “good” sound or “bad” sound, our brains become trained to accept all sounds. Science tells us that all of us are vibration; the entire universe is composed most fundamentally of vibration (sound). That's why it is important to listen to the vibrations you can hear. All people can relate to music; sound can soothe the soul. There seems to be something about the rhythm and beat that makes people stop and take notice. They can actually focus on the sound for a period of minutes, which is usually very hard to accomplish! Music may remind people of a time in their lives, or inspire a particular memory, or mark an occasion. Most people understand the power of music, at least on a superficial level. Our ears give us an experience; we even can feel sound internally. It’s important to re-train your brain to hear sounds more clearly and not rely so heavily on our eyes. Nada yoga, the yoga of deep listening, is a practice that can help us to hear and feel sound. Nada yoga encourages us to tune in to our world and to stop interpreting so much with our brains. When we take time to focus on a sound or a relaxing song, it can soothe our brains.