
95 videos • 9 views • by In_The_Kitchen_With_Katie holiday noun. hol·​i·​day | \ ˈhä-lə-ˌdā. July 4 is a national holiday in the U.S. History and Etymology for holiday: Middle English, from Old English hāligdæg, from hālig holy + dæg day. First Known Use of holiday: before the 12th century. NY Eve. NY Day. Mardi Gras. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. St. Valentine's Day. St. Patrick's Day. Easter. Cinco de Mayo. Mother's Day. Memorial Day. Father's Day. Independence Day. Labour Day. First Nations Day. Halloween. Veterans Day. Thanksgiving Day. Black Friday. Christmas Eve. Christmas Day. This is a list of the most commonly celebrated holidays in the United States, not a true list of federal holidays.- Before making any dietary changes, consult your health care provider.