Courageous Conversations

5 videos • 131 views • by YogaVision Online Courageous conversations was an idea born out of a few different elements. A lot of light is being shed on all the injustices that have been happening in the world and I believe it is asking all of us to step forward to reclaim our experience in the west, reclaim our experience in terms of colonization, capitalism, imperialism and all of those things. Really for me as a South Asian Kundalini yoga teacher is to Center the voices of other South Asian teachers so that there is an opportunity to hear and to listen in to conversations, mindset and approaches that indigenous teachers are having around the practice of yoga and meditation. Also, to offer you an insight and a window into what that looks like for each one of us because we're all unique, it's not a monolith, and so each conversation is going to be slightly different. Enjoy the conversations and join in on the conversation in the comments. Sat Nam.