🔮Future Tense - Fun French Grammar - Course 13

13 videos • 198 views • by CecileBB French Alors mon ami(e), You want to know the future 🔮 - are you a planner? Or perhaps you just don't like surprises. I know - you just want to know the future tense in French - it's been a long time coming! After this course you'll be well equipped to say what's going to happen or not, what will happen or not and a whole host of other useful stuff to say in French and some that's not that useful but it's there to make you smile.  The main focus is expressing will & won't in French.  In English we love to use an auxiliary verb: have, did, will, would, could, should etc. In French the tense or mood is often expressed in the verb ending.  Our Future endings in French are like the present tense of avoir endings ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont. For normal verbs we hook those endings to the infinitive (just like the conditional mood) - so we get the delightful hairball 'r' sound from the last letter of the infinitive (for -RE verbs you knock off the final 'e' to create that 'r' sound). Don't be afraid to emphasise that 'r' sound. It will signal to French ears that you're expressing the future tense. Give it a go rai, ras, ra, rons, rez, ront. Now say it in a dramatic voice - get all theatrical!  Bon - au travail! To work! CécileBB :-)