Greener Together

4 videos • 1,526 views • by cathaypacific It is our responsibility as an airline to protect the environment and work towards sustainable development. We’re committed to a carbon neutral future and are leading the effort to fight climate change with strong sustainability practices, which guide our operations and sourcing processes. We’re constantly reflecting on our practices and searching for ways to support the future of sustainable aviation. Ongoing and future collaborations with our people, partners and customers are what will make a real difference. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey towards a greener future together. 作為一家航空公司,我們有責任一同保護環境及推動可持續發展。為邁向碳中和未來,我們實踐了更有系統的營運與採購流程,以應對可持續發展的種種挑戰。 透過定期的審視與改進,我們將繼續探索更多方法,支持可持續航空的未來。全賴一眾員工、合作夥伴和客戶的攜手合作,我們的未來將會迎來真正的改變。 請繼續關注我們的最新消息,攜手飛躍可持續未來。