Anatomy questions - upper limb
23 videos • 21,451 views • by Human Anatomy Education It is widely accepted that multiple choice examinations are the most objective means available today for testing the theoretical knowledge of large populations of students. They test not only an individual's knowledge but also the more subtle qualities, such as discrimination, judgment, and reasoning. If multiple choice tests are to be most effectively used as educational tools, they should be given to students during the course of studies and not just during the examination at the end of the course. It is with the aim of combining multiple choice questions' answering experience together with an improved understanding of anatomy that these short videos are developed. Considering the descriptive nature of anatomy, and the importance of illustrations in grasping and remembering anatomical relationships, diagrams are added. However, should not be expected to accompany questions in an actual examination setting. In this case the student should visualize these relations in his/her mind’s eye before attempting to answer the question. Presented and edited by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Ph.D. This channel is supported by "Human Anatomy Education" Page on Facebook