IAALD World Congress 2013

12 videos • 302 views • by Albert R. Mann Library The International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD) World Congress was held at Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library June 21-24, 2013. The events held in the Deans' Room (Keynote, Plenaries, and Panel A papers) were videotaped and are included in this playlist. Please note that Panel B papers and workshops were not videotaped. See the UPDATED CONFERENCE PROGRAM at http://iaald.library.cornell.edu/ for more information. 1. July 22, 2013 Welcome and Keynote • WELCOME ADDRESS , Anne R. Kenney , Carl A. Kroch University Librarian, Cornell University, • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Simon Y. Liu, Director of the National Agricultural Library (NAL), United States Department of Agriculture. 2. July 22, 2013 The State of Information Literacy Policy: A Global Priority by Dr. Sharon Weiner; Professor of Library Science and W. Wayne Booker Chair in Information Literacy, Purdue University Libraries. 3. July 22, 2013: Capacity Building & Information Management • "Making sense of the Information, Communication and Knowledge Management Continuum -- A Proposed Framework for Integrated Action at the CTA" by Krishan Bheenick. • "The Case for Information Management in Supply Chain PAF Program, the Family Agriculture Plan of El Salvador" by Cindy Hernandez. 4. July 22, 2013: Capacity and Outreach • "Challenges and Opportunities in Information and Knowledge Management Within Regional Organisations: A Case Study From the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)"by Anju Mangal. • "Participatory Strategies and Mechanisms for Disseminating Agricultural Technologies for Increased Agricultural Productivity through Regional Focus: the Experiences from the Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Program, EAAPP" by Janet Kaaya and Joyce Mvuna. 5. July 22, 2013: Data Curation • "Supporting Faculty Reporting to the USDA at the University of Florida" by Valrie Minson and Melody Royster. "The Data Landscape of the Coral Triangle" by Jeanette Norris. • "Plantwise Knowledge Bank: Building Sustainable Data and Information Processes to Support Plant Clinics in Kenya" by Cambria Finegold, Mary Lucy Oronje and Margo Leach. 6. July 22, 2013: Databases • "Comparative Evaluation of Coverage, Overlap and Uniqueness Relating to Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts: A Subset of the CABI Database & EBSCOhost Hospitality And Tourism Index" by Lutishoor Salisbury. • "From Local to Global: Launching the New Rangelands West Portals and Database" by Barbara Hutchison, Jeanne Pfander and Valeria Pesce. 7. July 23, 2013: Mobile Technologies • "Access and Use of Information Communication Technologies by Women Staff of Public Extension Service in North Central Zone of Nigeria" by Agwu Ekwe Agwu and Elizabeth Ogbonna. • "Comparative Assessment of Agricultural Information Access and Management in Peri-Urban and Rural Settings of Kenya in the Smallholder Farmer Setup" by Dorine Odongor. • "Providing User Preferred Information Resources for a New Faculty of Agriculture" by Chinwe Anunobi and Andrew Ogbonna. 8. July 23, 2013: Information Access & Technology • "Managing a Web portal to adapt to new technologies" by Soonho Kim, Yuan Gao and Kathryn Pace Kincheloe. • "An Analysis of Online Reference Chat Transcripts and Implied Reference and Information Literacy User Competencies" by Claudine Jenda. • "Innovations Systems Among Rural Small Scale Pineapple Farmers in Akuapem South Municipal Assembly in Ghana" by Daniel Ankrah. 9. July 24, 2013: PLENARY SESSION: Global Opportunities & Partnerships for Agricultural Librarians Sponsored by United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN). 10. July 24, 2013: PLENARY SESSION: Critical Issues Facing Scientific Information and the Future of IAALD 11. July 23, 2013: PLENARY SESSION: E-Learning for Impact in Africa • Dr. Naalamle Amissah, Programme Coordinator, West African Centre for Crop Improvement, University of Ghana. • Dr. John Derera, Associate Professor of Plant Breeding, University of KwaZulu-Natal. • Rikin Gandhi, Chief Executive Officer, Digital Green. • Stefan Einarson, Director of Information Technology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) International Programs, Cornell University. • Moderator: Helene Dillard, Professor, Plant Pathology, and Director and Associate Dean for Cornell Cooperative Extension 12. July 23, 2013: Social Media & Scholarly Information • "Collaboration for Impact"by Indira Yerramareddy, Katarlah Taylor and Ryan Miller. • "The Use of Social Media in Agricultural Research Workflows in Ghana, Kenya and Zambia" by Justin Chisenga, Richard Kedemi, Joel Sam and Davy Simumba. • "The Adaptation and Challenges of Emerging Technologies in the Livestock Sector: Case study 'Animal Health Information System for the Pacific Island Countries and Territories'" by Ken Cokanasiga and Anju Mangal