10th Annual Energy Symposium

3 videos • 30 views • by Vermont Law and Graduate School Panel 1: Renewable Hydrogen: Unveiling Opportunities and Surmounting Challenges Panel Summary: In the journey toward decarbonization, renewable hydrogen stands as a transformative catalyst. Panel 1 embarks on an exploration of the potential and complexities surrounding renewable hydrogen technologies. From innovative production techniques to efficient storage and visionary applications, the panel assembles experts to unearth the profound impact of this dynamic energy medium across realms spanning transportation, manufacturing, and the intricate fabric of energy distribution. Panel 2: Solar Energy's Illuminating Role in the Clean Energy Transition Panel Summary: Amidst the evolution of clean energy, solar power emerges as a cornerstone, shaping a luminous path toward a sustainable future. Panel 2 ventures into the forefront of solar technology, charting the course from policy innovations, to project development, transmission interconnection and financial infrastructure. Panel 3: Accelerating Transportation Electrification: The Road Ahead Panel Summary: The journey to sustainable mobility unfolds in the electrified lanes of innovation. Panel 3 propels the discourse on electrifying transportation, navigating the swift evolution of electric vehicles, charging ecosystems, and the regulatory pathways that invigorate this transformative transit domain.