Streamer Life Simulator 2

2 videos • 0 views • by JaXboxChick Streamer Life Simulator is a game where you start from scratch and try to become an popular internet streamer. To become a better streamer, you need to upgrade your equipment (for example cameras, processors or video cards) and your internet connection. You have to improve your skills and make the right decisions during the streaming to provide better content to the viewers watching your stream. You can play innocent or criticize harshly to your viewers. It is up to you to make the right decisions according to the situation. The decisions you make during the stream will affect your viewership and play an important role in your development. You just quit your old job and decided to become a streamer. With a lot of hard work you can become the streamer with the most views and subscribers. Start with an old and crappy computer and try to upgrade. You can interact with followers and play various games on stream. With the right strategy, you can become very rich and famous. Catch me live streaming games on Twitch Disclosure: I received a free review copy of this product from