LEGO Knights' Kingdom OST [HD]

9 videos • 36,547 views • by tahutoa I loved the franchise throughout it's short run (though Year 3 was kind of lame), and I loved the GBA game. Came to find out said game's hot jams were nowhere to be found online, so I became the 1st to upload them (and possibly the first to give them titles. Rascus' theme's title is the weakest of them). I think I've uploaded all the tracks in the game, but if I haven't, I'll get around to it. Want a more in-depth history behind the playlist? Warning: Long-arse paragraph ahead! --- I always loved Knight's Kingdom as a kid. I would replay the animated comics over and over, and play that one Citadel of Orlan game where Jayko (Jayko was my favorite) has to dodge obstacles and make it to the end in time. I was no good at it, but I digress. One day, while I was on a KK nostalgia kick, not only did I look into getting all the 2004 figures (which I had never done before), but I tried to find the music to the GBA game that I remembered so fondly. I didn't find it anywhere online, which led to me realizing I could use VisualBoy to play said game to see if it was as good as I remembered (it's a bit repetitive, but it's mindless fun, so I can forgive it). To my excitement, this game had some kickin' jams for every level; sometimes action-packed (Trials of Jayko), sometimes ambient (Citadel of Orlan), but they were always awesome and doggone catchy. Naturally, I remembered I had Bandicam, and therefore I should take it upon myself to share these with the web, since nobody else had done so up to that point. Now all of these tracks are available to listen to for our very niche group of KK fans (I assume you are one, considering you read this). Enjoy, for the glory of Morcia!