Dead or Alive - Fan the Flame (Part 1)

8 videos • 49,931 views • by let.the.sin. Fan the Flame Was a 2 part album. it was only released in Japan and part 2 was recorded but never released. Tracks Unhappy Birthday & Gone 2 Long were Re-Recorded/Remixed for Nukleopatra. only on Japan's Version of Nukleopatra Unhappy Birthday was The Re-Recorded New Version. Every Other Version of Nukleopatra had the 12" Remix/Ninja Billy Mix. Then In 2000 Blue Christmas Was Re-Recorded/Remixed For Fragile Which was also only released in japan. Then In 2001 Blue Christmas Was Remixed Again For Fragile's Remix Album Unbreakable. Unbreakable Was Only Released In Japan. Total Stranger was going to have a music video but it was never released. someone found the video but there's parts that are missing from it & the video/single was going to be a remix of it. in the video Your Sweetness (Is Your Weakness) you can see some snippets of the video but theirs not much. they must have said no to Total Stranger & yes to Your Sweetness (Is Your Weakness).