Jireh: God our Provider

4 videos • 26 views • by Fellowship Memphis During the season of Lent many Christians and some non-Christians consider something they would like to eliminate in their lives. Early Christians started to observe Lent, as the society of the time believed that it was important to honor the crucial day of Easter through special spiritual preparation. The earliest dated mention of a 40-day period of observing Lent can be found in the Canons of Nicaea, dated around 325 B.C. This practice can be beneficial, but it is often simply an exercise and will power. We want to look at this from another perspective. We are seeking to take deeper dive into the truth that God is our provider. He is the very source of our lives and not the things of this world. God provides for us during various times in our lives and in various ways. This series will take a look at ways in which God is our provider. The series is entitled “Jireh '' which means that God provides. We will look at different ways that God is our provider, but the final sermon is a study in the character of God as our provider. The final sermon entitled “Jireh” is the crescendo to the series. God provides in different ways, but he has a name that shows that He is our provider.