Kingdom Politics
3 videos • 11 views • by Potters Wheel Church In this series, we do a dive into the subject of “Kingdom Politics.” Many are asking much needed, timely and tough questions around politics, voting and faith. This sermon series addresses our view on “God and voting,” “God and Government” and “God and Freedom.” We understand that Father God is not for a particular political party, nor is He against a particular political party. God is for Kingdom of God advance. This means bringing our faith, our families, our finances, our fellowship and our politics under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This series studies how God Himself laid out the three branches of government (referred to in Isaiah 33:22 as the judiciary, legislators, the King/administration). God intended them to be under His Lordship, to be led by Him in order to fulfil His will. He then calls us to be faithful to pray for, to love, to honour and to serve His people for His Kingdom advance. How does this work out in voting? How does this work out in our approach to government? How does this work out in walking in freedom before the Lord? We are at a tipping point moment in our history. We will either walk in Godly wisdom or sensual wisdom. We will either unite in and through Christ or divide through the accuser of the brethren. COVID saw many families divide over robust debates over the vaccine. It also saw many withdraw into isolation. We lost many loved ones. Now is the time to stand in faith on the Word of God, building families on the Rock who is Christ Jesus in order to leave a blessing to a thousand generations and see Eswatini step into a new season of faith, hope and love.