Kraus TBI Video Podcast

63 videos • 288 views • by Kraus TBI I'm Dr. Gary Kraus, neurosurgeon and founder of the Kraus TBI Institute in Houston, Texas. The Kraus TBI Podcast video provides knowledge and education about traumatic brain injury and makes the invisible side of mild TBI visible. We all utilize every day what is likely one of the most complex machines in the universe the brain. Let's try to understand how we work. We're dedicated to creating videos and podcasts to deepen learning and will have on our show clinicians, researchers, scientists, and those who have themselves suffered a mild TBI. PATIENT FOCUSED. INJURY-CENTERED SOLUTIONS. Taking Traumatic Brain Injuries Head-On: The Premier Center in Houston. What Is TBI? Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an acute disruption of normal brain function due to an external force, such as a blow to the head, acceleration-deceleration injury, explosion, or penetration injury. It is usually caused by falls, motor vehicle accidents, assaults, explosions, and sports-related injuries. TBI can range from a concussion to a severe, life-threatening injury.