Get Job In IT - Join Us [JobSeekerCT]

340 videos โ€ข 1,404 views โ€ข by Tausief S ๐Ÿ‘For getting a development job in IT, join CareerTransformation. Many of our previous batch members are getting multiple interview calls, and cracking jobs with the techniques. ๐Ÿ‘We would take step-by-step actions by which you would get a Job in IT. I would share with you, my complete 13 yrs of IT interviewing exp, & working with IT professionals.. on recruiting candidates. This mentoring would get you a job in front-end and/or back-end technology. We focus on: ๐Ÿ‘Resume building & Job Hunting ๐Ÿ‘Realtime Project & Interview cracking. ๐Ÿ‘End-to-end working in IT