Rise of the Spartans

21 videos • 118 views • by TheRebelLion96 In the year 2552, during the fall of Reach, a team of genetically augumented super-soldiers (widely known as Spartans) choose to either stay and die, or live to fight another day. They attempt to leave their dying planet in way of a forerunner teleport. Shortly after walking through the teleporter, they realize that it was actually a gateway to a forerunner installation called Halo. These installations were built to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy. An alien alliance known as The Covenant believes Halo to be this holy instrument created to destroy their enemies and be ascended into godliness. This stranded squad of Spartans along with a scattered human military must unite to survive. As well as fight the tyranical alien Covenant in the hopes of ending their genocidal campaign to start "The Great Journey". Rise of the Spartans Includes the original series, trailers for Part 8 & 9, and the Director's Cut. This series was the love of my life for a while. Made me feel proud to be a Halo fan! Apart from RvB, this was one the most ambitious machinimas I have ever seen. The amount creativity and passion that Arbiter617/Black Plasma Studios put into this series along with the rest of the cast and community is outstanding. Without a doubt, one the best Halo Reach machinima series of all time, if not THE best!