Light A Red Candle To Raise Awareness for PAD and Walking As Medicine

4 videos • 0 views • by The Way To My Heart Light A Red Candle of Commitment to walk and raise awareness for a disease more prevalent and deadlier than most cancers combined. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is like a cancer of the legs because when your leg arteries block, it can be debilitating and lead to amputation. Left undiagnosed and untreated in its early stages, it can lead to not only amputation, but also heart attack and stroke. The issue is doctors brush off early symptoms of leg pain, leg cramps, muscle fatigue, cold feet, and foot discoloration as diabetic neuropathy, back or nerve issues, arthritis, or old age. They also don't test early for those who are asymptomatic with high risk factors such as with diabetes, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, autoimmune conditions, and cancer treatment. Disease in these patients may not present until a wound opens up on their foot and won't heal due to lack of blood flow. The BEST MEDICINE for preventing and stalling progression of PAD, is simply WALKING! Your body is amazing! It can grow natural bypasses around blockages! But you gotta know HOW TO WALK EFFECTIVELY in order to grow your own natural bypasses! That's why the Global PAD Association launched the Light A Red Candle Campaign. it's to raise awareness for PAD and walking as the best medicine to prevent and stall its progression. So, join our Light A Red Candle campaign and light your candle of commitment to walk walk walk this summer to improve your circulation! It'll help both your leg AND your heart health as those little life saving natural bypasses can grow anywhere there's an artery, including the heart! For more information on the Light A Red Candle campaign and to sign up to have your steps count towards our cumulative goal, go to If you have questions about Peripheral Artery Disease or want to talk about symptoms, call the Global PAD Association's Leg Saver Hotline at 415-320-7138 or go to #peripheralarterydisease #padwalkingsupport #padwalkingsupportgroup #peripheralvasculardisease #walkingsupport #walkinggroup