Sahibzada Habibullah Ahmad

11 videos • 307 views • by Tasawwuf o Sulook Shaykh Habibullah Ahmad is hafiz of Quran and a graduate with an Aalimiyah degree from WifaqulMadaris, Pakistan. He was granted Ijazah and Khilafa in 2009 to spread the teachings of Tasawuuf. Recently, he was bestowed the honor of being Deputy by his father and Shaykh, ShaykhZulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (db), to handle all his affairs. He is also a published author. Shaykh Maulana Sahibzada Habib Ullah (db) founded eMahad under the patronage of Hazrat Maulana Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db). He is also the deputy incharge of Mahdul-Faqir Al-Islami, Jhang, Pakistan.