Homemade Orchid Fertilizer Recipes (Fast and Easy)- How to make natural fertilizer for orchids to Bloom

53 videos • 138 views • by Great Garden Homemade Orchid Fertilizer (or commercial orchid fertilizer) is essential for your orchid's growth. They provide the nutrients it needs to promote flowering, healthy stems, shoots, foliage and roots. There are a number of homemade orchid fertilizers you can make easily, although commercial fertilizers are the best source of balanced nutrition for your orchids. Why do these homemade orchid fertilizer recipes help orchids? Orchids thrive when they are fed the proper balance of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K), preferably given in a water-soluble formula. These 3 nutrients are known as macro-nutrients (N-P-K). Milk, Tea, Eggshells, Crushed dried chicken bones, Molasses, Water that rice has been boiled in, and Potatoes contain some of these elements, although not in an entirely balanced way as you'll read later. - Nitrogen is for foliage, stem and shoot growth. - Phosphorous aids healthy root growth. - Potassium promotes flowering. Some of the most popular homemade orchid fertilizers: - Milk (contains Nitrogen, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium) -Tea (contains Nitrogen) - Use eggshells for orchids (contains Calcium) - Molasses (contains Potassium) - Potatoes (Contains Potassium and trace Phosphorous) - Water that rice has been boiled in - Banana peel fertilizer for orchids - Aloe vera fertilizer for orchids