Political Concepts 2013

7 videos • 245 views • by Cogut Institute for the Humanities Political Concepts is a platform for revising, inventing, and experimenting with concepts while exploring the political dimension of their use and dissemination. This conference took place at the Cogut Institute for the Humanities on November 15–16, 2013. Panel 1: "Exploitation" – Étienne Balibar, and "Statelessness" – Andreas Kalyvas Panel 2: "Horror" – A. Kiarina Kordela, and "Demonization" – Nathaniel Berman Panel 3: "Raison d'État" – Kevin McLaughlin, and "Concept (ii)" – Adi Ophir Panel 4: "Vernacular" – Elias Muhanna, and "Like" – Jacques Lezra Panel 5: "Trees" – Eduardo Cadava, and "Resilience" – Bonnie Honig Panel 6: "Human Rights" – Ariella Azoulay, and "Populism" – Federico Finchelstein Panel 7: Roundtable with Jay Bernstein, Akeel Bilgrami, Stathis Gourgouris, Adi Ophir, and Ann Stoler