Logistic Regression using R
5 videos • 410 views • by Rajesh Jakhotia In this PlayList on Logistic Regression, we will learn the concepts with a step-by-step approach of how to build a Logistic Regression Model in R. You can easily get the Python and R code to build Logistic Regression Model from our blog series. https://www.k2analytics.co.in/introdu... For notification of our free webinars on Machine Learning, subscribe to our Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/S7V-px0BVCpTu7ZK Machine Learning Course Link: https://www.k2analytics.co.in/online-... Sample Certificate Link: https://elearning.k2analytics.co.in/C... The Table of Content of the entire Linear Regression PlayList is given below: 1) Introduction to Logistic Regression 2) Hypothesis Testing 3) Single Categorical Variable Logistic Regression 4) Single Continuous Variable Logistic Regression 5) Multivariate Logistic Regression 6) Train-Test; Development - Validation - Holdout Sample 7) Variable Transformation and its importance in Model Development 8) Information Value and Weight of Evidence 9) Outlier Treatment 10) Missing Value Imputation 11) Model Development & Evaluation 12) Various Model Performance Measures 13) Model Validation 14) Hold-out Testing 15) Model Deployment Strategies Join us on our meetup group: https://www.meetup.com/ik2analytics/ Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for the latest video updates. Regards, Team K2 Analytics WhatsApp +91 8939694874 for Course Enquiry