The Superliminal Ambrosia

8 videos • 189 views • by The Lost Futures Infinite Dreams presents 'The Superliminal Ambrosia', an ongoing series of hypernormalized media synthesis and compositional sound design works from The Vidiot. "I have always wished for the ability to digitally port out a feed directly from my subconscious, to be able to directly view my dreams and visions" The Vidiot explains. "And while we aren't quite there yet in terms of the realization of the physical technology, this work offers the viewer dynamic access to the portal containing refracted elements of these inner workings." Aiming to be raw, direct, and unrefined - much like the workings of the subconscious - The Superliminal Ambrosia skittles across a wide spectra of reconstituted symbology/cultural apparatus, feeling tone, and reprocessed hauntological sensory hallucinations.