
1 videos • 0 views • by Peace & Meditation A collection of music based on Mantras. The term "mantra" originates from the combination of two Sanskrit roots: "manas," which signifies "mind," and "tra," which denotes "tool." Consequently, mantras are regarded as "tools of thought," employed to channel and concentrate the mind. The concept of a mantra encompasses any sound, word, or phrase that has the ability to transform consciousness by means of its significance, intonation, cadence, or physical resonance. By reciting these sacred expressions with unwavering dedication, it is believed that profound vibrations are generated within both the physical and mental realms, facilitating the attainment of profound meditative states. There are two ways to engage with mantras: through repetitive recitation or melodic chanting. The act of repeating a mantra has the potential to unlock elevated levels of consciousness, tap into the potency of intentions, manifest affirmations of positivity, and delve into profound states of awareness.