Energy Taiwan 台灣國際智慧能源週 2022

10 videos • 33 views • by British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei BCCTaipei After the debut of the UK Pavilion at last year's exhibition, the British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (BCCTaipei) together with the British Office Taipei (Department for International Trade (DIT)) are delighted to host the UK Offshore Wind Pavilion at #EnergyTaiwan 2022, showcasing 12 UK offshore wind supply chain organisations who are actively involved in the development of Taiwan's offshore wind energy sector. 12家英國離岸風電公司參展台灣國際智慧能源週 (#EnergyTaiwan 2022) #英國離岸風電館 (10 月 19-21 日),分享支援離岸風電相關產業經驗。 ℹ️ More information about the UK Offshore Wind Pavilion (including exhibitors & agenda) 詳情請至英國風電館 (包括參展商資訊與時程表)🔗