5th Production of Rumah Teater Calvin (Jejak Harapan)

14 videos • 67 views • by Gavin Wiyanto RuTe Calvin (Rumah Teater Calvin) presents 5th Production entitled Jejak Harapan (Tracks of Hope), which the original script was written by Angeline Lidwina Han under the director of Venantius Vladimir Ivan and Margaretha Ely Vera Ch. Sinopsis : Dua kakak adik yang memiliki sifat bertolak belakang berusaha mencari cara menyelamatkan Ibu mereka dari maut. Musibah besar yang menimpa satu keluarga ini menjadi satu perjalanan penuh gejolak. Mulai dari sang kakak yang diperhadapkan dengan godaan menuju jalan kegelapan, dan sang adik yang berusaha mempertahankan kakaknya di jalan terang. Mampukah mereka menemukan secercah jejak-jejak harapan yang tersisa? Two sisters who have opposite traits are trying to find a way to save their mother from death. The great disaster that befell this one family became a tumultuous journey. Starting from the older sister who is faced with temptation to the path of darkness, and the younger sister who tries to keep her on the path of light. Can they find a trace of hope left?