茉莉花舞团2020-21年度云汇报演出 Jasmine Annual Virtual Recital

8 videos • 704 views • by 堪萨斯茉莉花舞蹈团 Jasmine Chinese Dance Group 所有参演舞蹈均为网课学习 All dances were learned through online classes. 所有录制均严格遵循CDC建议指导,并每人递交健康问卷 All recordings were strictly following CDC guidelines. All participants submitted Health Questionnaires prior to recording. 感谢所有学员对茉莉花的信任和支持! Support and trust from our dancers and their families are greatly appreciated! 疫情下的舞蹈尤为珍贵,幸而有你! It‘s such a pleasure to have you all dance together, especially under this difficult time. Dance is precious in our hearts.