Full Scale Impact Testing Roadside Hardware and Security

16 videos • 195 views • by Holmes Solutions Holmes Solutions operates the only approved roadside hardware testing facility in the Southern Hemisphere. This facility undertakes full scale dynamic impact testing on roadside safety features to verify their suitability for inclusion on the roading network as assessed by the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA – USA) for use on New Zealand, Australian, Canadian, and American roads. Holmes Solutions roadside testing facility has a series of purpose built asphalt run-in surfaces, each approximately 100m long, and tests pads available that consist of AASHTO standard soil, AASHTO weak soil, compacted sub-base, asphalt concrete (AC), and reinforced Portland cement concrete (PCC). We test roadside hardware to both NCHRP350 and MASH requirements using a range of vehicle sizes, at speeds exceeding 100km/h and varying angles. All test vehicle are instrumented with high speed data acquisition systems to record the motion and accelerations in all three axes. Each test is also recorded on high-speed video equipment, recording at a rated of up to 1,000 frames per second.