🔐SAMM Series: An American Exodus — Q&A Series (Members-Only)

35 videos • 26 views • by Malkah Norwood I'm answering questions from a peculiar audience on a series of topics concerning leaving Babylon America and returning to the lands of our forefathers through the Torah and the testimony of faith in Yahoshua The Messiah. I've begun my journey of repentance to live in many holy places in the Middle East as Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and even Turkey. My Exodus out of SoCal in the Spring of 2021 has allowed me to see YAHWEH's word in action and is strengthening my faith through the ups and downs of this real world. Also recording the praises of YAHWEH with Songs From Tzyion, I'm sharing my experiences living among these modest and ancient cultures with those of you who've heard the message, believe in the report, and are preparing your physical exit out of spiritual bondage from Babylon the Harlot, a commandment of YHWH given throughout the volume of the old & new testament Bible: "COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE! DO NOT PARTAKE IN HER SINS NOR RECEIVE IN HER PLAGUES!"